aloha friday scoop

every single h|h post has been researched, written, edited and shared on an apple invention so let's remember the modern day magician who transformed our world with the beautiful commencement speech steve jobs gave to stanford's 2005 graduating class.
{first friday highlights}
- happy anniversary to fashionista's market which celebrates with 15% off storewide, shopping spree giveaways, and fresh baked treats from let them eat cupcakes. {'til 9p; 1185 bethel street}
- knock 10% off your entire purchase when you fill your shopping bag with style from fighting eel's trunk show trio featuring island designers b. d'angelo, padma & pickles and tiare hawaii. {'til 9:30p; (1133 bethel street}
- welcome designer florencia arias to the neighborhood during the grand opening of her flagship boutique and enjoy 15% off plus giveaways galore! (6p to 8p; 1161 nu'uanu avenue}
- shop fall looks at roberta oaks' studio and meet the new indian summer collection by ginger13. {'til 10p; 19 north pauahi street}
kailua lovelies: pop by olive for happy hour and save 10% on your aloha friday finds.
- when: fri, oct 7th - 5p to 7p
- where: 43 kihapai street, kailua