unless you follow h|h on rss, my beautiful calling card printed by miemiko atelier (one of my lovely sponsors in case you are a stickler for that sort of detail) greets you with every post and email. i dare say it charms even more in person! the letterpress collection by oahu designer cari nakanishi was one of my very first discoveries, and our shared crush for good design combined with the revelation that we meandered down the same high school hallways helped establish our mutual admiration society.
serendipity matched cari to her vintage chandler & price press which makes the modern impression required of her artisanal small-batch paper delights. and, until a few days ago, your only chance to scoop up miemiko's lovely paper goods was to happen upon them at a handful of local boutiques.
{insert trumpet fanfare}
happily, every single letterpress offering can now be yours with a click. i have been waiting with bated breath since cari first mentioned the possibility of an online makeover, and am swooning with the news that one and all are officially welcome to say hello! gorgeousness abounds on miemiko's spanking new website from little pretties to style your gifting to sweet notes to pass to your favorite friends.
perhaps i should stop gushing and allow you to follow the jump for paper peeks. (did i mention the shop discount just for the h|h 'ohana? carry on for the 411!)
sweet flowers * mr. owl
scalloped gift tags
bird and banner
custom wedding suites can also be arranged, but for those who require instant gratification click over to the online shop and pocket 20% off your order!
- secret code: hatched20
- expires: thu, jun 30th
p.s. there may be a waitlist for the diamond head design since i scooped up a stack of note cards for my stationery stash.
p.p.s. hooray for wag+snap who snapped all of miemiko's yummy product shots!