beach reads: the descendants (& a giveaway!)

my mister and i finally escaped to our neighborhood movie house to watch the descendants on what turned into a blustery winter day here on the mainland. dear hawaii, your breathtaking beauty certainly shined on the big screen . . . a lush love note to our island home!
the story, if you have yet to page through the debut novel by kaui hart hemmings, juxtaposes two life changing scenarios - the impending sale of a land trust inherited by the ancestors of a hawaiian princess and her banker husband while the 21st century branch of the king 'ohana (a.k.a. the clooney clan if the movie trailer is your only introduction to this unconventional tale) deals with the agonizing wait of losing their adventure-seeking first lady who traded her heart to a secret sweetheart.
cue sticky predicaments.
read on for more love for the descendants + giveaway details after the jump!
the oscar-nominated film adaptation stayed true to the book which was a fascinating read if only for a glimpse into a side of island life which many of us may not be privy to . . . royal family bloodlines diluted over the generations, keiki packed up to boarding schools located an island hop away, and coveted memberships to exclusive canoe clubs. (have you ever sunned on the shores near the outrigger and dreamed how sweet life would be to take your pick of a kayak or paddleboard and slip into the ocean without a care in the world? sigh.).
i do wish i remembered to clue my hubby about the heartbreaking hospital scenes which were a bit too reminiscent of our ohana's experience three summers ago, but the kooky kids were quite a hoot and offered quirky moments of on-screen sunshine. although i must confess on keeping a watchful eye to see if the film version of scottie, the youngest king keiki, would rock the mrs. clooney tee her character wore in the book (not to be . . . alas).
anyhoo, my stacks are slowly being edited down so one lucky reader has a chance to claim my reading copy for her book stash!
follow the fine print & find out on friday if the book is yours:
- click here to send your name and current hometown by thu, feb 23rd
- please note the descendants giveaway in the subject
- one entry per person/household
good luck!
Reader Comments (2)
I've been meaning to watch the Descendants. Was disappointed when I missed it on Maui, twice (1st at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center) and then again at the theaters.
aloha tania! well, boo . . . with all the descendants love of late, it is a bit surprising that not a single screen is playing the movie on maui. on the upside, it should be released on dvd soon now that awards season is winding down.