happy hale*days 2011: budget edition

a freelance deadline kept me unexpectedly away this week, but i am delighted to be back to prove that gifting can still be pretty even on a budget!
let's have a peek at 2011's most fabulous presents under $40 . . .
1 - every girl will want to make a date with gypsy's newest underpinning. {$34; save 20% off sitewide with secret code gypsylovesyou. offer ends mon, dec 19th.}
2 - malie organics' roll-on perfumes will delight eco lovelies with scents reminiscent of paradise. {$29; spend $200 and receive a complimentary scent and free shipping with your order. offer ends sat, dec 17th.}
3 - bikini loving beach goddesses will adore a kini pouch by acacia which is sewn of the same gorgeous fabric that lines their flirty collection. {$30; find in-store at i heart hanalei.}
more possibilities for your gift list after the jump!
4 - office mates can count the days to their next holiday on emi ink's desktop calendar. {$13; find at the wedding café at ward warehouse & menehune mac's windward mall holiday pop-up.}
5 - handpoured hawaiian lip balms by maoli perfumes (created by mama coco's keiki) will keep lips kissable with xmas cheer. {$5; first 50 orders receive 50% off with secret code hapahale. offer good sitewide and ends when the 50th order is placed or on fri, dec 24th.}
6 - remind time-crunched friends to live in the moment with little hand, watch faces remade with vintage embroidery by machinemachine. {$36}
back soon with the aloha friday scoop!

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