project runway recap: hats off to you

while most of us consider a hat too impractical for everyday, you have to admire the posh brits and stateside belles who love a playful chapeau when attending a royal wedding or opening day at the races. last night, project runway welcomed london milliner philip treacy who bestowed his fanciful constructions with a challenge to design an outfit to complement his couture toppers.
our hawaii designers both offered up ladylike pairings - a vibrant satin skirted set for lunching socialites by andy south and a demure gossamer duo inspired by a lovely parisienne . . . and the privacy curtains spotted by ivy higa during her unexpected trip to the er that opened the episode.

andy: make it work! | video diary
ivy: make it work! | video diary
and, find out what everyone really thought of this week's winner in the designers dish.
have you ever rocked a chapeau befitting a walk down the runway?
{photo credit: barbara nitke, lifetime television}

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