new peeks: mu'umu'u heaven

by now i should know that posting during a visit home is like a magic 8-ball prediction - very doubtful. between bouncing between two families, a wedding, playing tour guide with out-of-town pals, and island hopping (aloha conn & john!), the days this time around flew by in a snap with half my to do list remaining untouched.
i did manage to take a peek inside mu'umu'u heaven's expanded space which now includes a home section filled with charming eco-friendly goods. two of mu'umu'u heaven's newest additions to catch my eye were the cheery bean bags ($80; cover only) and bird mobiles crafted from scraps of fabric left over from the production process of transforming no longer loved mu'umu'us into the reinvented styles stocked across the way in the boutique.
the mister and i also couldn't help stopping to admire a piece made by honolulu designer mark chai who upcycled a 55 gallon plastic barrel into a comfy lounge chair ($1500). and, the shop walls are currently filled with heather brown prints and other goodies including the brand new organic green with aloha totes which had just hit the shop floor the day of my visit.
more peeks below . . .

alas, none of these pieces are available in the online shop so you will have to hele over to mu'umu'u heaven's kailua outpost which also happens to employ some of the nicest shopgirls on the island:
- where: 767 kailua road, kailua
- shop hours: mon to sat, 10a to 6p & sun, 11a to 4p

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