introducing lovely clusters

today is usually reserved for etsy finds but instead i wanted to introduce you to lovely clusters, the recently launched, curated indie marketplace hosted by rachel of design lovely (based on maui) and vicki from simply hue. the idea for lovely clusters was the natural evolution of rachel's blog which is devoted to sharing a sweet fix of charming romantic finds (think anthropologie) discovered during her online wanderings.
as etsy and the many other online emporiums become crowded with sellers, it can be quite a time sap to click through page after page of possibilities searching for the perfect gem. luckily for those of us who swoon over pretty little things, lovely clusters edits out all the noise down to the most delightful handmade and vintage treasures. even better, you also have the option to fine tune your search by color or category which is how i found all of these lovely clusters-approved, island-inspired offerings.
designers interested in signing up will want to take a peek at the guidelines for more details. there is a limited complimentary listing plus a more expansive shop listing available for a small monthly fee. it does help to have an online shop, but if you need assistance setting one up, send a note to rachel who just happens to design websites during her day job.
p.s. be sure to click over to the design lovely etsy shop which is stocked with handmade note cards made by rachel.

Reader Comments (3)
Oh my goodness what a sweet post this is! Thank you so much for featuring our site. You are such a joy and I loved what you picked!!
aloha rachel - i am always smitten with all your lovely finds so many mahalos to you & vicki for creating such a charming showcase of handmade goodness!
I love Lovely Clusters and how sweet of you to feature them! Your blog is lovely too, full of great finds. Enjoy your weekend!