a minei makeover

the other week a shop announcement popped in my inbox heralding the arrival of minei, a new jewelry collection from the islands that remakes once loved castoffs into new'ish wearables complete with a soulful hippie chic charm. i later discovered that minei loosely translates (from hawaiian) to "me now" which seems to be a perfectly tailored description of the line's reconstructed heritage.
jewelry calls to me most when it has a story to tell and the mu'umu'u heaven 'ohana kindly put me in touch with designer katye killebrew who only recently discovered her talent as a bead mixologist. with only a few jewelry making classes under her belt and working with a cache of findings that followed her home from many adventures abroad, katye gifted her first creations to family & friends last christmas which later caught the eye of mu'umu'u heaven designer deb mascia during a chance meeting at the shop.
and so, the minei collection was born out of that unexpected but serendipitous moment. designs are guided by katye's finds in the jewelry boxes and junk drawers of friends plus the occasional goody bags that have been dispatched to her door. each one-of-a-kind piece hints of a little déjà-vu suggesting moments past that have been recaptured in the simple yet striking strands.
current offerings are limited to necklaces and bracelets ($49 to over $300) and katye also welcomes custom orders which is happy news for readers with an unrequited crush for more personalized adornment. your wish list can be matched with katye's collection of worldly charms or from your own treasure chest which would be a sweet way to remember a loved one, shower your wedding maidens with meaningful sparkle, or to modernize forgotten trinkets that need a style reboot.
the official website is still under construction however you can find minei's eco-friendly designs exclusively at mu'umu'u heaven's flagship boutique in kailua:
- where: 767 kailua road, suite 100
- shop hours: mon to sat, 10a to 6p & sun, 11a to 4p
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