online picture show

hanalei fence : belle etoile designs
one of my favorite pastimes is gazing at the array of point of views possible with a single camera click. a glance at a beautifully composed shot of something yummy or beautiful or far away always makes me happy.
whenever home, curiosity inevitably finds me in a gallery or gift shop to scout the souvenirs currently on offer only to leave disappointed at the lack of affordably priced options beyond the abundant inventory of turtles, dolphins, and wave after glassy wave.
so, for etsy day, i thought it would be fun to post a peek of how a handful of travelers to hawaii, cameras in tow, captured their island destination through a different lens . . . be it a dreamy beach scene or a high flying moment.
maui county fair : honeytree photography
dancing flowers : william dohman
p.s. have a favorite shot to share? drop me a note for a chance to have your photograph featured on h|h.
{update: lots of enthusiasm for the photo project, however i must kindly request that you provide a link to your website or flickr page. no attachments, please. mahalo!}
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