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shop letarte opening

the once sleepy beach town of paia has been abuzz with the opening of letarte's flagship boutique earlier this week. the letarte 'ohana (lisa designs the luxe swimwear line while sister michele handles all the behind-the-scenes business) designed the shop with an eye on sustainability including eco-friendly paint and lighting while offering packaging made from post-consumer recycled materials to tote your purchases home.

ana from letarte was kind enough to send along peeks from the 2009 collection which is already on the rack in the new shop. does anyone else think letarte's modern take of gorgeous island inspired patterns would be equally lovely at home?

peacock bikini
kenneth jay lane for letarte
handblock fish print one-piece
maya tunic
letarte surfboard
lisa & michele

the paia shop also stocks keiki line petite letarte, alora ambiance home fragrance, claus porto soaps, golden child jewelry, in2 design lariats, t-luxury & more.

p.s. off-island fans can scoop up select styles from the 09 collection in the newly relaunched online shop.

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