wanted: 808 designers

the social wahines will be throwing their first sample sale on oahu next month and organizers have posted a call for designers who would like to participate at the oct 16th event. email danielle [at] socialwahines [dot] com for more details.
in other style news, earlier this year, the hawaii fashion incubator (aka hifi - love the acronym!) was created to showcase & nurture the emerging local design community. they are still in the start up phase and plans include workshops, trade shows, fashion week & more good stuff to raise the profile of the hawaii fashion scene.
hifi is on the lookout for designers interested in showcasing their work on the soon to launch hifi website, experienced instructors to teach fashion 101 classes in patternmaking, sketching and garment construction, and everyone else who would like to be a part of the hifi fashion mission.
the organization's official coming out party will be at f.a.c.e. of nuuanu next month, and if you would like to volunteer behind the scenes or find out details on booking a booth, email toby [at] polkadotreehouse [dot] com.
until the website makes its debut, click over to hifi's myspace page to stay in the loop.
{update | sep 30th: hifi's website is up & running! [mahalo jana!]}
Reader Comments (4)
HIFI has launched their website:
yay! thanks jana!
Thanks so much for the shout-out! I can send over our digital event flyer if you'd like to post it.
Also, please note that Toby's e-mail is misspelled on your post. It should betoby[at]polkadotreehouse[dot]com(only one t in polkadotreehouse)
whoops, the email address has been corrected.
mahalo, melissa!