made in hawaii 2007 - keiki edition

oops, procrastination got the best of me yesterday so my apologies for being a day late with a few keiki finds from this weekend's made in hawaii festival.
i first learned about sweet island baby earlier in the summer via the baby awearness blog. christina, sib's owner, is a stay-at-home mom from kailua who has been making mei tai baby carriers since 2004. fanciful patterns from amy butler (one of my favorite textile designers) brighten up carriers and baby accessories like burping cloths and nursing covers.
no worries if you can't make it to the show since you can shop online or drop by one of sweet island baby's island stockists.
okay, so stamping isn't just for kids any more. crafty keiki and grownups will no doubt be in stamping nirvana when they arrive at rubber stamp plantation's booth. in addition to island themed stamps, the company designs temporary polynesian tataus (birthday party swag, anyone?) and vintage hawaiian stickers to adorn secret notes to your bff.
next up: foodie finds
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