organic sweets from hawaiian host

as further evidence of the mainstreaming of green, hawaiian host introduced their very own certified organic line called pure aloha earlier this year. the organic goodies have finally been stocked in hh's online shop which means eco conscious foodies (and the people who love them. hint, hint.) can now enjoy the organic version of one of the islands' most popular treats.
in addition to the standard milk chocolate option, health conscious folks can nosh on antioxidant rich dark chocolate covered mac nuts which, when combined with the omega-3 power house that is the macadamia nut, means you can enjoy each tasty nugget guilt free (at least that's the lie i tell myself so i can sleep at night). some may find the packages light for the price with only eight pieces alloted to a box (portion control, perhaps?) so plan your purchase accordingly.
also, unadulterated organic macadamia nuts seasoned with sea salt are available when that salty craving wins the battle with your sweet tooth.
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