maui wow-wee

with halloween fast approaching, these days all sweet thoughts seem to lead to chocolate. i recently went digging through my bookmarks and rediscovered a maui made chocolate confection called wow-wee. tropical add in's like kona/maui coffee, coconut and macadamia nuts complete the mix, and if you are feeling particularly adventurous there's even a kava blend.
while the flavors are probably a tad too grownup for trick-or-treaters (the dark chocolate/hawaiian coconut bar is said to be a favorite of aerosmith's steven tyler), a wow-wee gift pack would be a sweet surprise to share with officemates who constantly raid the candy stockpile that makes its annual appearance around this time of year.
fyi - online orders have a 12 bar minimum requirement and packages are only shipped out once a week so plan accordingly.
{update | oct 12th: wow-wee island stockists include abc stores, longs & hilo hattie on maui and at select longs on kauai}
Reader Comments (3)
I can't remember but these bars do look familiar. Will have to give them a try again! :)
kat, i'll try to find out where wow-wee bars are stocked in the islands so we can both try them next time we're home.
the kava bar has certainly piqued my curiosity!
thanks! that would be so nice.