hui o hawaii

during a recent visit to borders, i spotted a new magazine with the intriguing title of hui o hawaii. it turns out to be the latest entrant into the travel glossie market catering to the luxe island vacationer created by the publishers of nalu underground. the premiere issue spotlighted a mix of island destinations, style/culture profiles (1.1 features designer anne namba and musician makana), plus an emphasis on mo'olelo shared by kama'aina.
a few caveats: i found it a bit odd that an editor's note was nowhere to be found which necessitated a click over to their website to learn more about the magazine's mission. and the font is not reader friendly. small glitches that, hopefully, will be fixed by the time the second issue hits the newsstand.
if you want to take a peek, just know that hui o hawaii is a quarterly publication and subscriptions are via post for now.
{update | jan 2010: hui o hawaii shuttered soon after its launch}
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