it seems only fitting to post a spanking new roundup of obama goodness in anticipation of what will truly be a historic speech tonight (previous editions can be found here and here). did you ever think you would see a presidential candidate from hawaii in your lifetime let alone one who is hapa?
1 - it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a . . . barack obama action figure!
2 - obama tees are a dime a dozen these days but maart + mart's obama 08 design pops a subdued graphic punch.
3 - a handcrafted leather cuff is a stylish yet stealth way to show your support ($5 of each sale will be donated to the obama campaign).
4 - you may not have gone to punahou but you can still slip into a replica of the high school basketball jersey worn when obama was just a boy called barry.
and, if you still can't find a design to your liking, an official tee contest kicked off earlier this week with just days left to enter your submission before the aug 31st deadline. we the people will select the winning design so hele over and get your vote in (speaking of voting, surely you are already registered but here's a fun widget to remind your pals).